Have You Made Your Business All About YOU?

Oct 13, 2022

Creating efficient and automated systems and processes is one of the single most important things I did to ensure the long term success and scalability of my business.

Though, there was a cold hard truth that I needed to face in order to do it...


I learnt this hard lesson after a few years of running myself ragged in my Bookwiz Bookkeeping consultancy (well before Bookwiz Academy came along).

I realised that I had created a business was all ABOUT ME, rather than BECAUSE OF ME. And I had failed to realise, or respect the line between creating a business that REFLECTED ME, my values, my brand, & my work, and one that RELIED ON ME.

By building a business model that was all about me, and that relied 💯 on me, I backed myself into a corner.

  • People were referring ME (not my business)
  • Clients were expecting and demanding ME (not my team)
  • Staff were relying on ME (for every little decision).
  • And, if 'ME' didn't show up, it all ground to a halt.

And this was not because my business wasn't ready, or my team weren't capable. It was purely because I had created a business model that relied on ME being right at the centre of it - ALL THE TIME!

I was trapped (and so was my business)!

  • I couldn’t grow.
  • I couldn’t scale.
  • I couldn’t delegate.
  • I couldn't take a break or spend time away from my business.
  • I couldn’t spend time on the business rather than in it.

I was like a mouse stuck on a wheel, my business was at a stalemate, and my mental health and family were feeling the blowout. I knew I had to do something it I ever hoped to achieve my business (and personal) objectives.

So, I leant back into my systems, processes and workflows, empowered my team, and changed my mindset. I created a business that was 100% me, without relying on me!

And the true test - if me or one of my team members steps away from the business for any reason, the strength of my systems and processes mean my clients continue to receive seamless, continuous, quality service without missing a beat, my team don't get stressed because they know what to do, and my business keeps humming along.

I'm just about to deep dive into How to Systemise Your Business in the Academy, and would love to share my tips, tools and templates with you, so you to can create a business that is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!

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